As a people-pleaser, nurturer, healer or giver
You’re becoming more aware of your body, and what emotions it’s holding on to. You’ve been labeled as an empath, emotional, or anxious... and want to care for that part of yourself.
You've started to see some patterns.
Maybe it's that you can feel the fear and anxiety in your body when you think about putting your ideas out into the world, and truly being seen.
Maybe there's a "lack of motivation", where you know you've been distracting yourself from something you really want or need.
Maybe you haven't felt as connected to your intuition and your soul as you'd like, and you want to understand how to bring that connection into your body and your daily life.
You've been the go-getter. The one helping others, striving for more, chasing your goals and dreams.
You've also been the one who has felt deeply burnt out. You know what it feels like to push past your limits, to have trouble sitting still, to put other peoples' needs before your own. Something has to change for the next phase to be sustainable.​​
You know that sometimes you push aside your intuition, or feel too overwhelmed to hear it. You’re REALLY ready to change that.
It's time we take a different approach.

Your nervous system needs you
Back to the heart
Back to your soul
Back to the Earth

I had suspected that the pain I’d experienced for years had to do with having stored trauma in the body, but also had doubts because of a diagnosis I had received from an orthopedic shoulder doctor that made sense for the pain I was experiencing.
I remember an instance where I was working with the team that was involved in a previous traumatic event with me and they brought it up, and I was literally mid step and just froze.
My shoulder/clavicle pain immediately was triggered, and by the time I got home from work I couldn't even raise my arm to be able to wash my hair in the shower.
After working with you, being able to finally process and release the trauma and then have the most recent experience where I could interact pain free was just incredible!
I can't thank you enough for being that safe space for me and providing me with the tools I needed.
Imagine getting on a call with someone each week that knows all parts of you, can completely call you on your bullshit whilst at the same time having the biggest laugh with you! Where absolutely nothing is off topic, like nothing! Where I can cry or act like a crazy hypo human. Where we can talk chakra clearing and budgets in the same call. Where the most important element is my soul connection and showing up authentically.
Before I met Sarah I didn't even know [my soul], let alone talk to her. I was so wobbly on my zone of genius and I honestly thought I could do things on my own. Don't get me wrong, I am totally standing on both feet and stepping into my power... but my mind is crazy and my gremlin is loud. Knowing that I have someone that cares and knows I'm here to create, even better than I do, is seriously the MOST fucking life changing experience ever.

The way Sarah holds space and deeply supports your nervous system is unmatched. I was struggling to move past a part of my past, and I had no idea what being in my body actually meant. This work transformed everything and sent me on a very different path both personally and professionally, and I am forever grateful.
I truly believe every single person in this world should be exposed to working with their nervous system and learning how to be present in their body.

So, who am I to take you on this journey?
Sarah is the best-selling author of Soul Nudge, and is known for deep nervous system nourishment that helps people get out of fight-or-flight, and into a place where they can feel confident, creative, grounded, and able to move forward with the things that excite them most. Clients often come to Sarah with a history of anxiety, people-pleasing, and feeling overwhelmed as a deeply sensitive empath, while also acknowledging that little voice in the back of their head that truly wants to make an impact in the world.
Sarah is a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (SEP) which focuses on trauma resolution in the nervous system. She has additional training in coaching, Earth-based healing practices, herbalism, Reiki, soul connection work, and ancestral healing.
And the mission behind it all: Sarah is here to help gentle souls step into their authentic self, and truly shine.